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  • Writer's picturesuggiessavedme

Safe Fruits to Feed and their Ca:P ratios

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

Acerola 1:1

Apples skin 1:1 skin off 0.5:1

Apricots 0.7:1

Asian Pear 0.4:1

Avocado 0.3:1

Bananas 0.3:1

Blackberries 1.5:1

Blueberries 1:1.6

Breadfruit 0.5:1

Cantaloupe 0.6:1

carambola 0.2:1

Carissa 1.5:1

Casaba Melon 0.7:1

Cherimoya 0.5:1

cherries 0.7:1

Coconut 0.1:1

Crab Apples 1.2:1

Cranberries 0.7:1

Currants (Euro Black) 0.9:1

Currant (red & white) 0.7:1

Currants (zante) 0.6:1

Custard Apples 1.4:1

Dates 0.8:1

Elderberries 0.9:1

Figs 2.5:1

Gooseberries 0.9:1

Grapefruit (pink & red) 1.2:1

Grapefruit (white) 1.5:1

Grapes (american Slip skin) 1.4:1

Grapes (concord) 1.4:1

Grapes (european) 0.8:1

Ground cherries 0.2:1

Guava 0.5:1

honeydew 0.6:1

jackfruit 0.9:1

java Plum 1.1:1

jujube 0.9:1

kiwi 0.6:1

kumquat 2.3:1

lemon 4.0:1

lemon peel 11.1:1

lime 1.8:1

lime peel 4.5:1

longans 0.04:1

loquats 0.5:1

Mammy Apple 1:1

Mandarin oranges 1.9:1

mango 0.9:1

mulberries 1:1

nectarine 0.3:1

oheloberries 0.7:1

orange peel 7.6:1

oranges (valencia) 2.3:1

oranges (naval) 2.1:1

papaya 4.8:1

passion fruit 0.1:1

peaches 0.4:1

pears 1:1

persimmon 1:1

pineapple 0.8:1

pitanga (per 100 grams) 1:1

plantain 0.1:1

plums 0.4:1

pomegranate 0.3:1

prickly pear 2.3:1

prunes 0.6:1

pummelo 0.2:1

quince 0.6:1

raisins (golden seedless) 0.4:1

Raisins (seedless) 0.5:1

raisins (seeded) 1:1

rasberries 1.8:1

rose apple 3.6:1

roselle 5.8:1

sapodilla 1.7:1

sapote 1.4:1

soursop 0.5:1

strawberries 0.7:1

sugar apple 0.7:1

tamarind 0.6:1

tangerine 1.4:1

tomatoe (green) 0.4:1

tomatoe (red) 0.5:1

watermelon 0.9:1

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